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Nandita Vijayasimha, Bengaluru June 17 , 2024
The Karnataka government has called for a new policy for the effective management of medical waste. This follows a review meeting with the Karnataka Pollution Control Board (KPCB) where lack of compliance with the existing norms was discussed. Complaints came in about the medical waste generated in nursing homes and hospitals not being disposed of in a scientific manner.

Regular audits and inspections are also mandated, said the members of the KPCB adding that only this would ensure total adherence. Therefore a new policy needs to be drafted keeping in mind the specific areas identified for improvement.

Currently, the bio medical waste management companies in Karnataka include Maridi Eco Industries, Ramky Enviro Engineers, Bin2being, Prajwal BMW Management Systems, Saahas Zero Waste Management & Consulting Services, Gomti Incinco, to name a few.

Environment Minister Eshwar Khandre directed the officials to prepare a new draft policy for the effective management of medical waste. The meeting with the KPCB officials indicated the lack of compliance and the need to prepare a new draft policy for the effective management of medical waste in consultation with experts for the scientific transportation and disposal of hazardous waste.

The government was also told that syringes, bandages used in the homes are being disposed with the dry waste. This further presses the need for a new draft policy for the effective management of medical waste, he said.

In order to immediately control the situation, officials at KPCB have been asked to conduct a regular review of the functioning of the sewage treatment plants (STPs). Direct discharge of water into canals, rivers and ditches around industrial zones should be detected and appropriate action should be taken. Although the National Green Tribunal has instructed the collection of environmental compensation from many organisations that have that have built tall buildings around lakes, the Minister noted that collection of environment compensation is pending, said Khandre.

Policy for the effective management of medical waste is much desired as Bengaluru is the medical hub with the largest cluster of corporate hospitals and nursing homes. This is across medical specialities and different systems of medicines, according to companies handling the bio medical waste. Therefore, the policy draft should outline procedures for the effective management of medical waste as this is crucial for ensuring the safety of healthcare workers, patients, and the environment, KSPC officials said.

Medical waste includes any waste generated in healthcare facilities that may pose a threat to human health or the environment. This includes, but is not limited to, used needles, contaminated dressings, expired pharmaceuticals, and biological materials.

There is a need to ensure compliance with all regulations and guidelines. All healthcare staff are responsible for segregating and disposing of medical waste and all of these need to underscored in the guideline, said a section of experts in community medicine.

In the Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology which has a dedicated department to oversee medical waste generated from treatment protocols, officials said, there was a lacunae at every stage. It is here regular training sessions need to be conducted to educate staff on proper waste segregation, handling, and disposal procedures.

Medical waste from hospitals needs to be stored in leak-proof, puncture-resistant containers that are clearly labelled with the type of waste and the date of accumulation. Its storage areas till pick up needs to be secure, well-ventilated, and inaccessible to unauthorized personnel, said bio-medical waste department of Lady Curzon Bowring Hospital.

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